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bank hours中文是什么意思

用"bank hours"造句"bank hours"怎么读"bank hours" in a sentence


  • 银行营业时间


  • Banks are under no obligation to accept presentation of documents outside their banking hours .
  • Business and banking hours
  • Business and banking hours
  • It also allows you to bank by computer during non - banking hours
  • A bank has no obligation to accept a presentation outside of its banking hours
  • After verification and authentication of the corporate invoice , buyer will accept the mtn and within eight ( 8 ) banking hours , buyer ' s bank shall release the payment via swift wire transfer to seller ' s bank
    经核实和认证的公司发票,买方将接受mtn并在8 ( 8 )银行业小时内,买方银行将释放付款迅速透过swift电汇至卖方的银行
  • It was a very muddy boot , and may introduce the odd circumstance connected with mr . cruncher s domestic economy , that , whereas he often came home after banking hours with clean boots , he often got up next morning to find the same boots covered with clay
  • As a rule , no money except the cash taken in after banking hours was kept about the place , and that was locked in the safe by the cashier , who , with the owners , was joint keeper of the secret combination , but , nevertheless , hurstwood nightly took the precaution to try the cash drawers and the safe in order to see that they were tightly closed
用"bank hours"造句  


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